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About the AGHS



To promote the "Gypsy Horse" by encouraging the breeding of pure and part bred Gypsy Horses for all to enjoy. To provide an informative website for Gypsy Cob lovers and to educate the public about these wonderful horses. To create an impartial DNA registry of all purebred and part bred Gypsy Horses, that is open to viewing for the purpose of tracking parentage.

The Australasian Gypsy Horse Society is a not for profit organisation to register and promote all Gypsy Horses and their derivatives in Australia and New Zealand.

The title "Gypsy Horse" was chosen for the society as our founders felt it was more inclusive than other options.  It combines the many names given to these horses, as well as encompassing the part bred Gypsies and the Drum Horse which is derived from Shire, Clydesdale and Gypsy Cob foundation stock (see our Drum Horse page for more information).  As you move through the website however, you will commonly see the terms Gypsy Horse and Gypsy Cob used interchangeably.

The Gypsy Cob is arguably the most personable horse in the world with the majority of them enjoying the company of people. Their flashy feather, long manes and tails and interesting colour patterns all add to the appeal of these delightful horses. An incredibly versatile horse with a great aptitude for learning, the Gypsy Cob is only limited by your imagination. Under saddle or in harness, learning tricks, dressage, show jumping and even vaulting or working stock. They are also fantastic around children and make a great choice for the whole family.

To be registered in the Purebred Gypsy Cob section an imported horse must

meet the standard and have their DNA recorded.  Full Membership is required to register horses.

Minstrel (Imp) & Kelly Grey. Photo by Vicki Tapper

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